Halloween - Another Cultural Experience


I woke up late on Tuesday morning, quickly showered and jumped into my yoga pants and sweatshirt (which would be worn under my homemade emoji when I got to school). I felt relaxed, comfortable and yet anxious about the crazy energy of Halloween.  I arrived at school on time and ready for the madness. But wait... the boys are in full uniform? I am on the only one in "not so" costume attire?  

As we shift into new situations, cultures and communities sometimes we assume more than we should. After 11 years at Town I assumed that Halloween at Cathedral would carry similar madness. However, the madness was quite different. Students came to school dressed to learn in the morning and after lunch changed into costumes to parade and party.  This is different than Town's morning parade/contest and afternoon classes.

Worse mistakes to be made? Yes, so I was in workout clothes all day?  No big deal.  Next year I will know.  Happy November - I have almost survived a trimester at Cathedral!

Emoji Team 2017.jpg