Not in Middle School this Week...

To say that it has been an adventure is an understatement… but a fun adventure it has been.  After a year of planning and imagining I was a little caught off guard about what Brain Works (summer camp for grades 1-8/mainly kids in grades 1-4) would be like on the ground. While I was prepared for little people there are definitely some things I didn’t imagine. As I negotiated the time period for a quick check in at the nurses office with a 7 year old I discovered that these little humans can be relentless.  Let’s just say middle schoolers accept the phrase, “I don’t negotiate with middle schoolers'' quite well but these little eyes staring up at me asking for just 3 more minutes are hard to turn down.

Transferring knowledge and strategies from my middle school experiences and putting them into place with these little ones has not only been a great learning experience but also really FUN!  I don’t mind the morning high fives, fist bumps and sweet hugs either.  In fact, I am kind of going to miss these guys… :)
